Hi viewers,
I have the pleasure in posting my 500th post today. It has been a nice blogging journey since 5th May 2013 and still 23 days more to celebrate the blogs First Birthday.
The journey began with the support of Ms Dahlia Twinkle and Kavery Venkatesh and of course with my dear hubsand, son, daughter and my lovely neighbours as judges. A Big thanks to all of them for the support, suggestions, criticism, advise etc. etc.
A BIG SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL MY VIEWERS specially for their suggestions/comments and support without which the journey would have been incomplete.
I started my recipe with the King of fruit Mango and posting the 500th post also with a fruit recipe.
Panchamrutam is made normally for the neivedyam. It is also used for abhishekam of gods in the temple. A simple and easy preparation with fully ripe bananas along with some khajur, kalkandu, elaichi powder, jaggery, it is awesome. my children loves this to eat as it is chilled minus certain fruits added in it if it is brought from the temple after the pradosha pooja. I make this for them in a simple manner but you can add other fruits, if you wish.
Panchamrutham |