Papaya has a delicious sweet taste with a soft butter like consistency. Papaya is also a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes,
vitamin C and flavonoids, the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid,
and the minerals, potassium and magnesium, and fiber. The pulp of this
fruit is also a basic component of many facial creams, and shampoos. Papaya is actually a wholesome fruit as it contains more Carotene when
compared to other fruits like apple, custard apple, guava and plantains.
Not being an expensive fruit, papaya is a common man’s fruit which is
beneficial in many ways.
This version is very simple, easy and tasty too. I was having a big papaya in fridge and no one wants to eat it. When I cut it, it was not tasting that sweet hence there is no chance of using it except for some custard or fruit salad or some sweets with it. Hence I tried this version of halva with only the papaya, sugar and bit ghee and corn flour.
I have already posted two recipes of papaya halva one with raw papaya the link is here: raw papaya halva.
the other one with ripe papaya halva in where I used to share my recipes before I started my blog.
Let us look at the recipe now: