Showing posts with label health benefits of bitter gourd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health benefits of bitter gourd. Show all posts

Friday 10 May 2013



Bitter gourd, white variety.

Bitter gourd is used for its medicinal properties that aid in diabetes, liver issues, stomach complaints, skin ailments such as psoriasis and blood purification.

The bitter vegetable has also been for Alzheimer’s disease, as an antioxidant against cancer, to lower cholesterol, to combat HIV, kidney stones, measles, as well as malaria!

In Ayurvedic medicine, bitter gourd juice has been used for digestive problems as well as boosting the immune system.

Naturally low in sodium, carbohydrates and calories, its nutritional profile shows bitter gourd to be particularly high in vitamins C, A, folates, thiamin, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese and dietary fiber. Needless to say, the bitter gourd is great for heart health!

Bitter gourd’s active ingredients include momordicins, cucurbitacin B, and glycosides, such as momordin, charantin, charantosides, goyaglycosides and momordicosides.

This healthful vegetable can be consumed as a fresh juice or cooked in a variety of dishes from different world cuisines.

Eat natural fruits and vegetables to have a healthy, happy and disease free life.