Showing posts with label HEALTH BENEFITS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH BENEFITS. Show all posts

Monday 27 May 2013




Cilantro is an excellent source of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Fresh leaves should be washed thoroughly in water in order to remove the dirt and to get rid of any residual pesticides which can be harmful for health. It is best used while it is fresh as it retains its unique fragrance and aromatic flavour. Freshly chopped coriander leaves are a great addition to green salad.
It is also rich in many vital vitamins including folic-acid, vitamin-A, beta carotene and vitamin-C that are essential for optimum health. Vitamin-C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Cilantro leaves provides 30% of daily recommended levels of vitamin C. The health benefits of cilantro are many. Its powerful anti-inflammatory capacities that can help one deal with symptoms of arthritis. It also increases HDL cholesterol (the good kind), and reduces LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). Coriander leaves offer great relief from stomach indigestion problems and the like. It also helps reduce feelings of nausea. Studies have shown that it has got strong antioxidant properties and it helps promote healthy liver function.
This humble herb can be grown in your kitchen garden. So, make it a part of your kitchen and add more taste to your platter. And also derive benefits from its health properties.
½ cup of coriander juice in the morning in empty stomach helps in controlling the diabetis – experience shows.

Thursday 16 May 2013



Sprouts have always been popular as a nutritious food. Sprouts like radish, alfalfa, clover, soybean, and broccoli are excellent sources of protein and a wide range of different nutrients that can help maintain good health. But it was not until recently that they were found to have essential therapeutic benefits. It was discovered that sprouts have the ability to protect us from certain diseases. To find out more about this and the other health benefits of sprouts, read on to the following information below.
1. Rich in Essential Nutrients
Some of the vitamins that sprouts contain include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K. Apart from this, it is also rich in minerals such as Iron, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, and Calcium. As if these are not enough, sprouts also have dietary fiber, Folate, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Sprouting seeds, grains and legumes are found to have higher content of these nutrients. For instance, most beans increase in Vitamin A by eight times after being sprouted.
2. Excellent Source of Enzymes
Aside from the nutrients, they are also abundant in enzymes, which can keep our bodies healthy and fit. Cooking food under fire results in the loss of some of those enzymes. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables are the best way to get more of these. Eating fresh sprouts is a good way to get access to a powerful source of enzymes.
3. High in Protein
When you say protein, the first things on people’s minds are meat, chicken, fish, egg, and dairy products. What most people do not know is that sprouts are also very high in protein. In fact, they can contain up to 35 percent protein. Adding sprouts to your diet will give you the necessary protein intake required by your body minus the fat, cholesterol, and calories that typically come with animal meats. Sprouts are also highly recommended for vegans and vegetarians.
4. Easy to Digest
Another thing you will love about sprouts is how easy it is to digest this food. Its digestibility is rooted from the high amount of enzymes that they contain. Eating sprouts can be very helpful for people with digestive or bloating problems. They are also perfect for younger kids and elderly people.
5. Good for Weight Loss
Since sprouts are also high in fiber and low in calorie, it can contribute positively to any weight loss diet plan. Eating sprouts will let you enjoy nutrients without the extra calories. It will also make you feel fuller and stave off hunger longer. If you are looking for a way to lose weight, include sprouts in your diet.
Sprouts are beneficial to your health. Apart from that, they are also very delicious. Including them in your diet would be very easy. You can add them to your salads, soups, meat dishes, and pasta to make them more scrumptious and appetizing. Its crisp and flavor make dishes more delicious. Now if you want to maximize their benefits even more, you can also snack on them fresh. Enzymes in most foods are lost during the cooking process.